Download real Player offline installer Now the neew version is available from RealNetworks Inc.
Real Player is an extremely well-known media player. This player is almost known by everyone who has ever used a computer. It is always associated and linked to playing some unique files such as RM and RAM files which are named as real media files, named after the famous player “ Real Player”.
This program allows you to download dozens of videos from various websites with a simple and reliable downloader integrated in it. Also you can directly convert it to any known video file format.
Download Real Player to get the best organized media library. You can arrange it the way you want making everything accessible and reachable. That makes bro2sing your music an easy mission to get your target.
Why download Real Player
Download Real player latest version to be able to deal with every single music or video file you owe. It is now compatible with updated versions of the most used browsers nowadays: Firefox and Google Chrome. Also the Real Player browser is now much better and more stable as the isssues with viewing some websites is now resolved.